Six Degrees of Star Wars
Even before it became the property of a monstrously big corporation that started putting it everywhere, Star Wars was everywhere. Join us on a journey as we take the hyperspace lanes out of a galaxy far, far away and into other movies, finding all the ways George Lucas' flagship franchise surrounds us, binds us, and penetrates us.
45 episodes
Ep. 41: Let the BOTTOMS Hit the Floor
Y'all, is it gay to start a fight club so that you can flirt with cheerleaders after your principal threatened to expel you for lightly tapping the star football player with your car? Just asking for Emma Seligman's 2023 teen satire, BOTTOMS.
Season 3
Episode 21

Ep. 40: Love Lies Bleeding, We Lie Screaming
We officially make it Femslash February with the 2024 sapphic romance/thriller, LOVE LIES BLEEDING, taking be gay do crime to a whole new level.Love Lies Bleeding is rated R for graphic language, and depictions sex, drug use, and violenc...
Season 3
Episode 20

Ep. 39: The Watermelon Woman is Sweet
We gather a bunch of women enjoyers for a heartwarming and horny episode covering Cheryl Dunye's THE WATERMELON WOMAN. Join us for philosophical discussions of representation, cinema, and lesbians!The Watermelon Woman contains explicit d...
Season 3
Episode 19

Ep. 38: Indiana Jones... (Punching Ensues)
Raiders of the Lost Ark, aka the Lucasfilm Project Harrison Ford ACTUALLY Cares About, aka Marion Ravenwood's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day, aka It is Your Duty To Thwart Nazis At Every Turn.Indiana Jones Denied Tenure:www....
Season 3
Episode 18

Ep. 37: I Saw the TV Glow and I'm Not Okay
We gathered the Worlds Elsewhere Podcast Network, which happens to consist entirely of queer femme-identifying and/or femme-socialized neurodivergents, to talk about Jane Schoenbrun's 2024 film, I SAW THE TV GLOW. What could possibly go wrong?<...
Season 3
Episode 17

Ep. 36: Closing on Bridget Jones's Diary
You may have one unit of podcast today as we wrap up 2024 with Bridget Jones's Diary. Banger romcom or banging our heads against the wall in frustration? You'll have to listen to find out.Pluggables: River: @dreamsrebel on Blue...
Season 3
Episode 16

Episode 35 is Episode 1 (The Phantom Menace)
We break the seal on the prequels with The Phantom Menace! Join us for some bad George Lucas impressions, some Lord of the Rings references, some criticisms about cultural appropriation and racism, and some full-throated reminders that Ahmed Be...
Season 3
Episode 15

Ep. 34: The Daughter of Dawn is Illuminating
We go back to the dawn of cinema with THE DAUGHTER OF DAWN, a love story set in the First Nations of the Great Plains. In discussing it, we will take a (very limited) view of how Native people have been depicted in cinema, talk about the import...
Season 3
Episode 14

Ep. 33: Birds of Prey has the High Ground
How did it take us this long to do a superhero movie? Welp. it's over, Anakin... we mean, Roman! We have the high ground! Also, wait, Gotham is actually located where?Pluggables:River: @dreamsrebel on BlueSky, @punk_sk...
Season 3
Episode 13

Ep. 32: These Prairie Tales are Grim
We visit 1990's Grim Prairie Tales, a movie where the cast, cinematographer, and concept are all really good. The results... well, you can listen and judge for yourself.Content warning for discussions about depictions of anti-Native and...
Season 3
Episode 12

Ep. 31: Don't Drown Out the NOISE (2022)
If someone you loved was taken from you, how far would you go to get them back? ... Anakin, put your hand down, the answer is not "murder," the answer is "look for them."Content warning for depictions and discussions o...
Season 3
Episode 11

Ep. 30: Celebrating In the Heights
We got more flows than Obi-Wan Kenobi, yo! Join us in observing Hispanic Heritage Month by watching the 2021 film adaptation of IN THE HEIGHTS. It really is that good.Audio warning: we had some issues with Riverside's recording, and whi...
Season 3
Episode 10

To James Earl Jones, With Love
I was able to get a few of my friends together to say a small farewell and thank you to James Earl Jones for his contributions to Star Wars and the performing arts in general.Thank you to Syd, Ellie, and Shami for being there with me.Op...
Season 3

Ep. 29: Girlbosses Gatekeep GASLIGHT (1944)
We break the seal on classic Hollywood by looking at the Oscar-winning GASLIGHT, a movie so iconic it inspired a psychological term that the internet has almost completely robbed of meaning. Take a shot every time we call Paula Alq...
Season 3
Episode 9

Ep. 28: Bodies Bodies Bodies Hit the Floor
What better way to end the summer than with a party at a secluded mansion during a hurricane with no electricity, no cell service, and the guests are a collection of Gen Z kids who keep turning up dead with no clue who the killer is? <...
Season 3
Episode 8

Ep. 27: Nimona Sends Us To Therapy
The webcomic by ND Stevenson survives development hell against all odds to become an animated gem... one that is totally not touching a lot of feelings for our host and assembled guests and making us all cry. Absolutely not.ND's Nimona ...
Season 3
Episode 7

Ep. 26: Yeelen (1987) Shines Bright
We are here to talk about a gem of Malian cinema, and tripping over our own words as we try to sound smart and also fight against the ingrained cultural biases as products of the West! Results may vary, but sometimes, the journey is what matter...
Season 3
Episode 6

Ep. 25: The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil, The Thirst
Sam and Shami take a very eager look at Lee Won-tae's 2019 crime thriller, starring Ma Dong-Seok as a gangster who utterly steals the movie, and our attention (Our apologies for our inability to be normal). There are also multiple invocations o...
Season 3
Episode 5

Ep. 24: Cutting Down The Bushido Blade
Hey, a movie with James Earl Jones, Toshirō Mifune, and Mako! About samurai! This should be cool, right?PLUGGABLES:Ellie: @elessar42 on Twitter and Medium and @football-in-tuxedos on Tumblr, Podcasting's Biggest Night available wherever...
Season 3
Episode 4

Ep. 23: Singing Out With The Color Purple (2023)
Since 1982, The Color Purple has gotten a Pulitzer Prize, put on banned book lists, adapted and revived for the stage, and now it's on its second visit to the big screen, courtesy of Blitz the Ambassador. But is the Force with it?Content wa...
Season 3
Episode 3

Ep. 22: BOUND (1996), Out, and Proud
Happy Pride! Let's celebrate with the directorial debut of the Wachowski Sisters... this better not awaken anything in EVERYONE WHO HAS LIKED GIRLS EVER.PLUGGABLESGrady: @snakebitcat on all socialsEllie: @elessar42 on Twitter an...
Season 3
Episode 2

Ep. 21: American Graffiti Needs a Better Tag
THX 1138 is the overlooked eldest child, Star Wars is the attention-stealing youngest child, and today, we examine George Lucas' middle-child thinly-veiled memoir/coming-of-age movie, American Graffiti.PLUGGAB...
Season 3
Episode 1

The Incomplete Archives (Part 1)
No new episode this week, so instead, enjoy this collection of outtakes!
Season 2
Episode 15

Episode 20 is Episode 6 (Return of the Jedi)
May the Fourth Be With You! We're finishing out the Original Trilogy with Addie Greenberg-Sud and Michelle Turner, so strap into your speeder bikes, pop a squat by the Sarlaac pit, and let's get into it!Star Wars Minus Star Wars, by Kyle Ka...
Season 2
Episode 14

Ep. 19: Inherent Vice Mines of Kessel
We celebrate 4/20 with the least out-there stoner movie option on our roster, Paul Thomas Anderson's INHERENT VICE. That said, there were jokes about bananas, calls to dismantle the current sociopolitical system, complaints about Ronald Reagan,...
Season 2
Episode 13