Six Degrees of Star Wars
Even before it became the property of a monstrously big corporation that started putting it everywhere, Star Wars was everywhere. Join us on a journey as we take the hyperspace lanes out of a galaxy far, far away and into other movies, finding all the ways George Lucas' flagship franchise surrounds us, binds us, and penetrates us.
Six Degrees of Star Wars
Ep. 32: These Prairie Tales are Grim
We visit 1990's Grim Prairie Tales, a movie where the cast, cinematographer, and concept are all really good. The results... well, you can listen and judge for yourself.
Content warning for discussions about depictions of anti-Native and anti-Black racism, including a lynching scene and misrepresentation of Native cultures.
Ali Nahdee's The Native American Horror Story: https://youtu.be/6wyK89mfZGs
Never Whistle At Night: https://bookshop.org/p/books/never-whistle-at-night-an-indigenous-dark-fiction-anthology-shane-hawk/19573529?ean=9780593468463
Ellie: @elessar42 on Twitter and Medium and @football-in-tuxedos on Tumblr, Podcasting's Biggest Night available wherever Pods are Cast.
Jas: @FaeRiviera on all socials, host of In Each Retelling
Sam: @DemiSemme on YouTube, Tumblr, BlueSky, and most other social media platforms (NOT eX-Twitter).
Visit our Tumblrs at sixdegreesofstarwars.tumblr.com and ier-6d.tumblr.com
Theme Music provided by Refractory Period: @RefractoryPeriodTheBand on Instagram, linktr.ee/RefractoryPeriod
Forever Mutual Aid Links
E-Sims for Gaza: https://gazaesims.com/
Click to Help: https://arab.org/click-to-help/
Anti-Imperialism support for people across the world, organized by Kandakat_alhaqq: https://linktr.ee/kandakat_alhaqq
Campus Bail Funds: https://campusbailfunds.com/
6DOSW is a Pro-Union podcast. Please support artists by contributing to the Entertainment Community Fund if you can: https://entertainmentcommunity.org/how-get-help-and-give-help-during-work-stoppage
The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent.